Curso de iniciación a la robótica 'No Gender Gap'

Curso de iniciación a la robótica 'No Gender Gap'

YesEuropa ofrece un curso fruto de un proyecto Erasmus KA":

¿Te interesa la robótica? Te damos acceso gratis a un curso de iniciación a la robótica en inglés, resultado de nuestro proyecto europeo Erasmus+ ¨No Gender Gap¨.

Aprenderás principios de robótica y electricidad por medio de la práctica y tendrás ejercicios de programación que podrás realizar de manera gratuita.
Durante el curso aprenderás al mismo tiempo el importante papel que ha jugado la mujer en la ciencia a través de la historia.
El temario es:
• Chapter 1: Introduction
o Introduction to the course
o Lesson 1: History and context
 Where do we fit in to all of this?
 History of robotics
 What is a robot?
 Robots in industry
• Chapter 2: Analog components of Robotics
o Lección 2: Components of robotics
 What is electricity / Electrical/Hydraulic analogy
 What is voltage/ current/ resistance
 Ohms law
 What is a short circuit
 What is a soft circuit
• Practical Exercise - Scribble machine.
• Chapter 3: Components of Robotics
o Lesson 4: Components of Robotics (cont.)
 What is a controller / what automatic control means (i.e. the thermostat)
 What is a program/what programming means
 What is a sensor
 What is an actuator
 What is mechanics
• Chapter 4: Introduction to coding
o Lesson 1:
 Brief history of computer science: Ada Lovelace (others in the field worth mentioning)
 Around the World: Let’s code our balloon with Scratch (Practical Exercise)

• Module 5: Getting to know your robotics kit for MAIN BODY EXERCISE “Around The World: Morse code with Arduino and Snap”
o Lesson 1: Parts and components
o Lesson 2: Goals of the assembly.
o Lesson 3: Instructions - Assembling your kit (In exercise)
o Lesson 4: Instructions - Coding for your kit (In exercise)

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